It is said that a teacher is the builder of a nation. If a teacher is well qualified and well informed, it will benefit the whole nation and the one that is about to grow up. Teacher in every society plays a very vital and significant role. The personality, character, commitment and affection of a teacher greatly affects the students. It is believed that a teacher builds the interest of the students in education, a committed teacher can turn back a drifted away student; a good teacher is a psychologist of his student who can read the student’s mind and aptitude. A teacher is a mentor and possesses multiple qualities in their character; students benefit from their teachers not only in regard of books but also in career counselling and guidance in general matters of life.

For a teacher it is very important to be well educated as well as dedicated. If one of the two traits is missing the teacher becomes only a professional. With the rising standards of education, it has become essential for the teachers to also concentrate on their education. From Playgroup to college level the teachers are educated and trained in a specific way to be able to teach their group. There have been several programs and trainings devised for teacher education which boosts the proficiency and competency of teachers and empowers them to face challenges. Through good teacher education, teachers learn various techniques and strategies that enables them to plan and impart instruction, reinforcement and assessment programs.

Teaching Courses

Teaching courses enable teachers to learn advanced methods of teaching in a well guided environment and in presence of experienced teachers. During these courses teachers can share ideas and develop better understanding of the students. There are several courses that are taken by the teachers which include Child development or Psychology to understand the development of mind of a child and teen. Curriculum Design to learn to develop and write lesson plans. Assessment practice courses to learn to create test, oral exams and projects. Teaching Methodologies to learn how to lecture and hold effective class discussions.

Teacher Education Program

Only getting a job in a school does not make you a teacher. You have to have better knowledge of the profession that you are into. To improve your skills you have to go through teacher education. Teacher Education Programs include child development and child psychology. It also includes curriculum design, project design and instructions of the subject to be taught. A teacher who has attended a proper education program is well in demand than that of a general teacher. Generally teachers specialize in subject that they are most capable of teaching or which are most in demand. By improving the skill teachers can move onto administrative position instead of staying onto the instructional ones.

Become a Teacher

Where teaching is challenging and tiring, it is also be a very satisfying career. A teacher not only imparts bookish knowledge in the students but also teaches them to behave and socialize with people around them. This is a career that contributes towards the building of the society. Once a person becomes a dedicated teacher he/she never wants to leave the career and find it fulfilling. Teacher of every level of class plays a vital role not in that specific grade but also individually in the lives of the students.  They shape and channelize the lives and approach of their students and also give them a strong grip on their subject. With a good teacher, student learn to communicate and present themselves well in the society.

Requirements for Teaching

A good teachers is required to be fully and formally educated. A properly trained and dedicated teacher is able to fulfill the responsibilities of curriculum development, classroom management, proctoring exams and guiding students. For a licensed teacher a bachelor’s degree is a must and minimum requirement. With a bachelor’s degree in hand a person can become an elementary school teacher. High school teachers are required to have degrees in their subjects. Teachers for special education are required to have their degrees in special education. There are several teacher certification programs which are vital for the teacher to be able to be effective in their field.

Quality Teaching

Imparting ethics, good behavior and knowledge into a student’s life is quality teaching. The result of quality teaching is a responsible citizen, a well-behaved and well-educated person leaving the classroom. Every person has had a great teacher in their life, that one person would have made a word of difference in the approach and thought process of a student. In a classroom quality teaching communicate the subject well, create a learning atmosphere and keeping the students enthusiastic. A good teacher finds out way to keep the students interested in the learning process and has techniques to make that learning easy. Quality teaching ends up in set of students who enjoy studying their subject find it inspiring and challenging.

Good Teacher

A good teacher is the one who creates good environment for teaching, a teacher who is able to effectively indulge his students in learning and helping them understand the subject well. Not all students are quick in learning and some may have the problem of following too many instructions at one time, so a good teacher organizes his subject so that all the students are able to follow his method of teaching easily. The teaching method of a good teacher is simple and student directed which ensures the proper and complete command of student over the subject.

Qualities of a Good Teacher

Teaching is not only a profession but also the drive to build a responsible society. It is believed that a nation can flourish if it has good teachers. Teachers work on the grass root level of the society from where they can ensure a great nation. There are many qualities of a good teacher but just to count a few lets list some of them here:

  • Students trust a good teacher
  • A good teacher is calm in all situations and can tackle all sorts of troubles of his students
  • he thinks like his students but acts like an adult, he is able to understand all the situations that a students could be into but act wisely
  • he assists his students in every situation and work that they do
  • a good teacher has his own way of teaching his students and students keenly listen to him and obey
  • A good teacher loves to learn along with his students
Distance Learning

Distance learning is a way of learning not directly in a classroom or a university but remotely at home or library. Students engage in learning materials sent to them from the teachers. The best part of distance learning is that it does not require any transportation or time to reach a particular place to be educated or to learn. You can belong to any age, any country or any place to be a distant learner. The good thing is that you can start studying anywhere and anytime. You can take online admissions in universities which provide books and study material for their distant learners and the work can be done in the comfort and ease of time.


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